Diana Decker is a freelance photo editor and art director based in Berlin. She’s working currently at DIE ZEIT, Der Freitag and Studio Stauss. Prior to that, Diana was a photo agent for young emerging photographers at the image licensing platform Connected Archives. She has a strong focus in photojournalism, but also a good eye for contemporary, poetic and artistic photography.

2011–2016 B.A. Media Studies, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
2016–2019 M.A. Media Art & Design, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
2021–2022 Photo Editing Class, Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Berlin

Connected Archives, Der Freitag, DIE ZEIT, Die Epilog, Falling Walls Foundation, Therme Art Group, Universität Stuttgart, Studio Stauss, X-Filme and among others.

Photo Editor/Photo Agent: Image Research, Briefing and Consulting, Visual Storytelling, Image Licensing, Managing Rights and Agreements
Art Direction: Editorial Design, Exhibition Design, Visual Identities

Please, feel free to contect me for collaborations, freelance work or portfolio reviews to info@dianadecker.de

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Diana Decker is the Director of Photography at Philosophie magazine in Germany. She also works as a freelance photo editor for DIE ZEIT, Der Freitag and Studio Stauss. Her specialization lies in contemporary and poetic photography, with a strong focus on the editorial field. She has a deep appreciation for working with images.
  +49 (0) 17680137892

  Based in Berlin, Germany

Hermannstraße 32
12049 Berlin